Statutory Information
Registered Office: 3rd Floor, 77 Twon Centre ,
Building No. 3,
West Wing, Off HAL Airport Road,
Yamlur P.O.,Bangalore 560037
Karnataka, India
The CIN of the company: U55101ka2005ptc037255
Telephone Number: +91 80 42599000
Fax Number : +91 80 42599001
Email address : NA
Statutory Auditors
S. R. Batliboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, Bangalore
Statutory Documents
A. Employee Code of Conduct
This is the code of conduct and ethics for every employee to live by.
Code of Conduct was introduced to protect and strengthen the Company's most important attribute — integrity, which is at the heart of business and in everything we do. Code of Conduct applies to every employee, regardless of job function, location, or seniority. Following are some of the key aspects of the Code of Conduct policy:
- Conflict of interest All employees must act in the best interest of the Group. Employees are required to reveal any conflict of interest within or outside the group wherever personal interest interferes with ability to make decisions that benefit the Group.
- Misrepresentations and fraud Any fraudulent act, including misappropriation of cash, stock or other assets, incorrect financial reporting of facts and figures is not acceptable.
- Gifts and concessions Gifts and concessions from suppliers or vendors can impact independence in taking sound business decisions. Employee must always ensure that acceptance of a gift or any concession does not compromise or appear to compromise ability to act in the best interest of the Group.
- Raising concerns The Company has established Whistle Blower Policy (Vigil Mechanism) creating an Ecosystem to identify, report, investigate and act and on any violations of the code of business conduct by its employees. Whistle Blower Policy attached
- Prevention of Sexual Harassment at work place The Company always believed in creating a professional atmosphere at workplace that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including sexual and other forms of harassment. A “Policy for Prevention and Redressal of Harassment at Workplace” has been established in line with current law and industry practices.